The State of California’s Official College and Career Planning Platform

California students deserve a seamless path from K-12 to fulfilling careers. The California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI), which manages, is a legislatively authorized service provider to all California school districts as established in California Education Code Section 60900.5. is California’s state-funded, comprehensive, digital platform with the tools students need to develop their college and career plans, available at no cost to students, educators, and parents/guardians in public school districts.

Photo from a CCGI/CSU Convening, courtesy of Chico State University

Helping Students, Educators, and Families

Graduates smiling at each other
group of students and teacher at school classroom
Father hugging his son at his graduation.

Making a Difference

College Website icon

Digital college and career plans for students and their families

College Financial Aid icon

Student academic records transfer to college and financial aid applications

Handshake icon

Partnerships with K-12 and higher education systems to close achievement gaps

Translation icon

Accessible, easy-to-use tools and lessons in nearly every language

Grad Cap Institution Icon

State-funded and free for California’s public school districts that enroll 6th-12th grade students

The future of California depends on the success of our students.