Our Partners

K-12 Partnerships

By combining statewide infrastructure and local implementation, we provide support to Partner Districts with the goal of advancing equitable student outcomes across the state. We work directly with our K-12 Partner Districts to improve data systems, build capacity, and provide data-driven tools to students, counselors, educators, and administrators.

Benefits of Partnership with CCGI

We work directly with district staff to identify data conflicts and ensure they’re able to pass accurate, validated student data on to higher education and financial aid systems. We help districts enhance their data capacity by creating sustainable improvements to their data systems and practices, ensuring that the benefits are felt for years to come.

Partner Districts gain access to a suite of data-driven tools on CaliforniaColleges.edu that help streamline the college and career planning process.  These tools allow districts to upload coursework data directly into students’ academic planners, which can then be used for the following:

  • To facilitate simpler and more accurate course planning 
  • A-G progress monitoring 
  • Automatic determination of CSU and UC eligibility 

Districts can also validate their course catalogs against the statewide Course Management Portal (CMP) to identify errors that may affect students’ A-G eligibility.

High school seniors can launch and track applications for all three California public college and university systems, as well as their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA). CaliforniaColleges.edu makes it possible for students, along with their parents and counselors, to track the status of all their applications in one place.

The Cal State Apply and UC Application integrations validate students’ coursework and imports them directly into their CSU or UC Application. This automates the time-consuming and confusing data-entry process for students, helping to eliminate errors that can affect eligibility. Furthermore, by simplifying the routine application-review process for counselors, it allows them to focus more of their efforts on students with complex needs.

Counselors, educators, and administrators have access to a comprehensive suite of reporting tools, allowing them to view the progress of their students throughout their college and career planning journeys. With just a few clicks, they can view all their students at a glance and zoom in to focus on those who need help.

From the inception of partnership and throughout the process, we work directly with a leadership team of district collaborators, contributors, and partners to help them create an implementation plan and put it into practice.

Become a Partner

All Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that enroll 9th-12th grade students are required to enter into a data-sharing agreement with CCGI to provide transcript-informed “Partner Accounts” by January 2026, as detailed in California Education Code Section 60900. To learn more about partnering with CCGI, check out the resources below.

Is your district ready to explore partnership with CCGI? Contact us to schedule a presentation for your district!

Statewide Partnerships